Top 4 Healthy Ways to Cook Meat, Poultry and Fish

 Fried chicken may taste great and many people love a good Friday night fish fry, but greasy fried meat, poultry and fish are not healthy. The oil and batter adds extra calories and too much fat. If you don't know what else to do with your meat, poultry and fish, here are four healthy ways to do your cooking. These cooking methods reduce or eliminate the need for oil and use shorter cooking times which help preserve nutrients.

Grill Your Meat, Poultry and Fish

Grilling can be a very healthy way to cook meat, poultry and fish. Grilling works best with meat that is lower in fat to prevent flare-ups and charring which is what causes damage to the meat.

Broil Your Meat, Poultry and Fish

Broiling meat, poultry and fish is similar to grilling except that the heat comes from above the meat rather than below. Broiling your meat, poultry and fish is a healthy way to cook because the cooking time is short. Just like grilling, broiling works best for meat, poultry and fish that is lower in fat. Some ovens come equipped with broilers.

Use a Pressure Cooker to Cook Your Meat, Poultry and Fish

Pressure cooking is a healthy way to cook meats, poultry, and fish because it speeds up the cooking time. The less time foods are exposed to high temperatures, the more nutrients are preserved. Pressure cooking is especially good for tougher cuts of meat or for making hearty soups and stews.

Stir Fry Your Meat, Poultry and Fish

Stir frying is a healthy way to cook meat, poultry and fish because stir frying uses a short cooking time, and adds very little fat. Stir frying is also convenient because you only need one large pan.

By Shereen Jegtvig

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